TTG Consultants
TTG Consultants Human Resources Consultants Specializing in  Career Management and Corporate Change
Leadership and Management Style Development

Resolves Conflict! Reduces Turnover!
Improves Communication, Interpersonal,
and Leadership Skills!

Leadership Development

Good leaders inspire others to excellence. To do this, they must know how to listen and communicate. They must focus on a clear vision for themselves, their team(s) and their organization - and motivate others to follow their vision.

At TTG, we develop good leaders by providing methods for understanding oneself and the reasons for change, by aiding in the implementation of self and organizational change, and by supporting the individual through this critical period of personal growth.

Management Style Development

Differing management/operating/leadership styles are perhaps the greatest source of conflict, dysfunction, and low productivity in organizations today. These styles can clash because of varying individual interests, strengths, needs, and stresses.

Contrasting views and methods of leading, delegating, planning, communicating, decision making, as well as dealing with conflict, stress, time management and maintaining relationships are only a few of the many issues that can cause friction - even rebellion.

The Process

Identify Areas For Improvement

Cost Effective Behavior Assessment Questionnaire (Birkman Method® Profile)
In-Depth Targeted Interviews with Key Personel

360° Profiling

Individual Coaching in Behavioral Adjustments
Highly Targeted One-on-One Instruction and Training

Audit of Improvements

The Results

Expected changes include....

  • Increased interpersonal communication skills, including the ability to listen empathetically.
  • Improved decision-making skills and task delegation.
  • Improved self image or public image, by eliminating minor personality defects and accentuating personality strengths.
  • Increased ability to manage self and others during periods of conflict or crisis, including stress management.
  • Increased ability to manage tension created by disparate responsibilities to organization, family, community, self.
  • Improved self-awareness and understanding, including control of emotions, tolerance for shortcomings and diversity.
  • Improved personal resilience, flexibility and prosperity to learn and grow.
  • Improved ability to manage and advance one's personal career and the careers of others.

Click Here for Case Histories

The Cost

The cost varies with nature of assignment and includes individual coaching sessions and The Birkman Method® Profile

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4520 Wilshire Blvd; Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90010 | Phone: 323/936-6600 or 800/736-8840 | Fax: 323/936-6721 | E-mail: Click here
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